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Online Presence | Albany Pride Festival Prospectus
Online Presence
Albany Pride has an ever-increasing online presence, which we use to fulfil our objectives, such as keeping our community informed of our upcoming events and outreach groups, to promote LGBTQIA+ culture and history, to highlight the issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community both at local and national levels, and to maintain a current and regularly updated […]

Albany Pride has an ever-increasing online presence, which we use to fulfil our objectives, such as keeping our community informed of our upcoming events and outreach groups, to promote LGBTQIA+ culture and history, to highlight the issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community both at local and national levels, and to maintain a current and regularly updated online presence, so that locals and visitors alike know we have a strong, visible and active LGBTQIA+ community in the region.

Albany Pride has a Facebook page, an Instagram page, websites for both the organisation and the Festival itself, and a regular newsletter for our members.

Our Facebook page has over 3,100 followers and continues to grow.

During January to March 2022, a period of heavy promotion for our Pride Festival, our posts were regularly being reached by thousands of people – one particular post reached 7,502.

Our Instagram page currently has over 1,650 followers.

Our websites attract around 2,500 unique visitors a month on average.

During the Pride Festival period of February 2022, we received over 4,000 unique visitors.

Our social media presence grows significantly around Pride Festival: